Thursday, October 27, 2011

The color of the sky

Finished my gray bag. It's about the same color as the sky was up until right now. Terrible rainy days stopped me from using it - I didn't want to get it wet. But now it looks like it's drying up, so the bag deserves a photoshoot before I put it in use and inevitably spill something on it, scrape it against a wooden fence or pull a stitch.  

So here it is, in all its gray glory. 
This bag was supposed to rid my stash of Marija yarn, but alas, I still have a skein and a half left. What should I do with it? Crochet something? Maybe a pair of simple slippers?

Meanwhile, I'm continuing with my stash-busting mission: I'm knitting the Honey cowl, same yarn as my Equisetum hat. So far, my stashbusting busted 8 skeins. That is a terrible result, I thought for sure I used up more of my yarn. 

Is this a bad time to admit that I've been to Zagreb this weekend and bought a skein of Regia sock yarn?


  1. 1. Your grey bag is lovely. Love the colourful buttons that go with it.

    2. That honey cowl is sooo on my queue. Even got yarn for it. Need to start knitting it.

    3. Have you ever heard that sock yarn does not count towards stash? Because really, it doesn't. :)

  2. Izbor dugmića za torbu je odličan, čini mi se da je sa njima torba sinula:)

  3. Your honey cowl is gorgeous! And so is the bag. I know Marija isn't the highest quality yarn, but that stitch definition on your bag is amazing!

  4. Kao što sam rekla Heklici, kad se radi o pletenim torbama imam podijeljene osjećaje - s jedne strane mi se dopadaju, s druge ih vidim nepraktičnima i preosjetljivima za svakodnevnu upotrebu. Svoje torbe prilično maltretiram, ostavljam na podu, navlačim po javnom prijevozu, po kiši; mislim da vunena torba nema što tražiti u takvim uvjetima.

  5. bio bi grijeh ne podijeliti s nama kupnju sockyarna!
    Siva boja je gotovo savršena za sve pletačke projekte - na njoj se svaki uzorak tako divno vidi!
