Monday, February 6, 2012


So, about a year ago I was in the Unitas yarn store and there was this yarn that was calling my name. Literally.

Unfortunately, Sara is 100% acrylic. I bought it anyway, it felt really soft to the touch. In fact, I bought two skeins. 

Yesterday I finally decided to use it and make a hat. As with all Unitas yarns, I encountered a gauge problem. The label says to use 4-4,5 mm needles, but this yarn knits too tightly in those sizes. Other yarns of similar thickness always call for at least 6 or 7 mm. 
But here's what I was thinking: The people who made the yarn put the 4-4,5 mm on the label for a reason. So I used 4 mm for the ribbing, cheated a bit and used 5 mm for the rest of the hat. It's thick and not very stretchy, but I can live with that. At least it will protect my ears from the wind. 

The pattern is Bonnie's Cable hat.

The hat itself turned out great, I love the color of this yarn, it matches my glasses. And therein lies the problem.

Sara, being the plasticky plastic that it is, has a squeaky feeling when you rub it in your hands. And when you wear it snugly against your head while also sporting plastic eyeglasses, it makes a sound. Squeak, squeak, squeak. Very annoying. 

And that is why, if you're shortsighted like me, you shouldn't wear acrylic hats. Or if you insist on wearing them, you should probably switch to contact lenses. Or,  you could just walk around without the eyeglasses, and hope you don't get hit by a car or something.


  1. I wonder if people at Unitas sometimes google their company and find a million posts about how lousy their yarn is :)

  2. I think I have to disagree with this statement: "The people who made the yarn put the 4-4,5 mm on the label for a reason." :D I doubt the Unitas people think much about what they put on the label, or what label they put on which yarn...
    The squeaking made me laugh! Thank gosh I wear contacts! :)

  3. First of all, the hat is great. I love the colour and the pattern. Secondly, I had no idea that yarn can make a sound. I never thought of that. Possibly because I don't wear glasses. Damn the acrylic :)

  4. Unitasove vunice sa istim nazivom mogu biti poprilicno razlicite i po sastavu i po debljini i po strukturi same niti. Zato ne obracaj paznju na to sto pise na labeli, vec isprobaj vise igala i odluci se za one koje ti najbolje idu uz datu vunicu. Helena (pamuk 100%) je izuzetak, i to je jedan od najboljih pamuka sa kojima sam radila. Divne boje koje dugo zadrzavaju postojanost a rad zadrzava svoj oblik godinama.
    A za squeak :)))) mislim da prvi put cujem da se to nekom desava dok nosi kapu :)))))

  5. Kapa je divna. Akril je akril, šta da se radi. ne znam postoji li dobavljač u rijeci ali, u Puli se može naći fenomenalna talijanska vuna proizvođača ISPE Padova (Duetto i Serenada, isti sastav, iste boje samo 2 debljine). ona je 50%vuna/50% posebno tkani akril. Ima savršenu definiciju, idealna za pletenice i prijatna na koži (i glavi! :D ). Ja nju koristim za kape.

    Unitas zaista ima izuzetno dobar pamuk iako je u 2 godine otišao s 9kn na 16kn (?*???). Imaju oni i dobrih drugih prediva ali etikete su strava u užas. njihova distributerka za Istru mi je rekla da jednostavno na lageru imaju već napravljene etikete i, da uštede, kače ih napamet. Ja imam ANU u bar tri verzije. Imam i pamučni konac na kom piše da je 50%vuna, 25% kašmir i 25% akril!!!!!

  6. Zmaja, ovo objašnjenje gospođe distributerke je nešto najsmješnije što sam dugo čula. Čemu im onda služe različite etikete i imena ako se lijepe napamet, onda se sva vuna mogla zvat Unitas.
    Na kraju će se i ta firma pojavit na Dnevniku da je propala i da su radnice ostale bez posla, iako kod nas nema neke velike konkurencije stranih pletiva, nego samo zato što netko u managementu ne radi svoj posao i ne ispituje kako mušterije dišu

  7. odličan blog, drago mi je da sam te našla, ja sam iz Rijeke :) :)

  8. Ja više ni ne čitam etikete na Unitasivum vunicama!
    Jednom sam dobila klupko Sare kao poklon - i isheklala kapu. Mislim da je Sara pogodnija za heklanje nego štrikanje!
