Thursday, March 15, 2012

I must knit them all!

Quick Eastlake update: Front done, started the back. I think I got gauge with the needle size recommended in the pattern, but I didn't like the way the fabric looked. So I decided to knit with smaller needles, and still knit my size (34 in), because I wanted the bottom to be a little narrower. I got this: 

So far it looks like it might be just a little too tight. I'm very much hoping blocking will fix it and that it will grow. If it doesn't, I guess somebody else is getting a new sweater. 

Meanwhile, I discovered Zinio and bought a digital copy of New England Knits. I absolutely adore every single pattern in that book and I pretty much decided to knit them all. Starting with the Mystic pullover

Got the yarn for it and now my fingers are literally itching to start. But not before I finish Eastlake. 


  1. Yay for Mystic! It's actually the only pattern from the book that I really love, but I love it enough to have bought the whole book. Still haven't finished mine though :/

  2. I LOVE New England Knits! I got that same I-want-to-knit-them-all feeling when I saw Brooklyn Tweed's Spring Thaw this morning! :)))

  3. Jesi li oplela probni uzorak s manjim brojem igala ili si krenula, pa što bude bude? Mislim, stvarno je šteta da nakon tolikog posla nemaš zadovoljstvo i obući to što si oplela.
    Obje vune su lijepe :-)

    1. Naravno da sam plela probu, toliko pustolovna ipak nisam. Po mom računanju, sad pletem 2 cm uže od patterna. Problem je što oduzimanje nije klasično u glatkom bodu sa svake strane, nego je dio mustre lišća. Pa ne mogu baš odrediti gdje ću preskočiti, a gdje dodati očice. Mislim, ići će to na mene, ali će biti fitted, a ne kao u originalu A linije. No kao što bi rekli, bumo vidli.

    2. još bolje da ti bude fitted :)
      prekrasno izgleda, a boja je vrlo moderna ove sezone

  4. Da, stvarno bi bilo steta ako ga ne budes mogla nositi. Za sada lepo izgleda, a i boja mi se svidja. New England Knits..u pravu si, prosto te mami da ih sve ispletes:)

  5. Must knit them all... I know the feeling :)
