Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I almost forgot how much I enjoy making socks. Well, the first sock at least, I always seem to get a slight case of the 'second sock syndrome'. But making socks is awesome, especially that feeling you get when you pass the heel, try your sock on and it actually looks like a sock. I'm very proud of myself in those moments. 

The pattern is Brainless by Yarnissima.
These socks were my first ones done in actual sock yarn. And by that I mean I used yarn that says 'sock yarn' on the label. It's Müller Super Sport Strumpf, this was pretty much the only color they had left. Someone in Zagreb had raided the yarn stand in the Müller drugstore by the time I got there.

Still, this was a nice blend of neutral colors and the yarn is not hairy like some yarns tend to be, so I got a pair of nice, smooth socks.

The pattern was a bit confusing, I must have read and re-read that thing a hundred times before I finally figured out what it wants me to do. But it was worth it, I love the way these socks turned out. Especially the cables that run along the side of the toe, then part in the gusset section and turn back into a cable on the leg part.
Pretty satisfied with the short row heel as well, no holes in my wraps and turns for once.

Next project: Drops bag form Marija (Unitas yarn). I hate this yarn. It's not stretchy, it's coarse, I think the needle requirement on the label is wrong and I just really, really dislike it. 
And in addition to being a yarn snob, I think I also became a needle snob. After knitting with Knitpro needles, the other brands are just not good enough. The ones I'm using here are Prym. Not as smooth as the Knitpro and the cable is not as bendy. Combined with the awful yarn, knitting this bag is making my hands hurt. 
But at least I'm using up my stash.


  1. Bas su dobro ispale carape !! Uredno i glatko, svaka cast.

    Ah, snob.... vala bas, sad kad sam imala prilike probati bolje igle i skupo predivo ... jasno je zasto je skupo :)

  2. Odavno sam snob što se igala tiče, tako da dobrodošla u klub! Knitpro volim radi mekanog kabela, ali obzirom kako ja pletem i način na koji hvatam očice, meni su njihove igle previše zašiljene. U mojoj ruci daleko bolje leže Addi turbo ili Hiya Hiya. Promatrajući prijateljice došla sam do zaključka da Knitpro vole one koje su navikle vrhom igle hvatati nit, dok ja više "probijam" očicu, pa mi zašiljenost igle nije toliko bitna, dapače, smeta mi.
    Čarape su ti lijepe, vuna je krasno šatirana. Nema ništa lošeg biti yarn snob, pleteš radi zadovoljstva i za sebe, čemu se patiti s lošom kvalitetom vune koja cijenom nije toliko povoljnija u odnosu na dobru i kvalitetnu koja se može nabaviti, iako ponekad s teškoćama.

  3. Probaj Hiya Hiya ako se nadjes u prilici... pa ces tek vidjeti sto je glatko i lagano... ;)

    A ja mislim da imati zelju raditi s kvalitetnim materijalima i alatima ne znaci biti snob... :)

  4. od kad sam probala knitPro necu ni da pogledam Prym. Sve sam Primove ige dala na poklon :)

  5. Joj, svi blogeri manje-više rade na čarapama samo ja nikako da se krenem a noge su mi non-stop led ledeni!
    Ako se ne varam ta "sock yarn" iz Mullera bijaše poprilično skup!
    Lijepo, uredno i svrsishodno!
    Glede torbe - ne znam jesi li ili nisi je več radila - ali na kraju uvijek ispadne efektna,bez obzira kakva je vuna.
