Here's what I don't like about sewing: in order for something to fit right, you have to make a ton of adjustments, there's loads of pinning and trying on and you basically sew everything at least three times. At least I do. So far, I made all my muslins from old sheets. But now I ran out of old sheets. So I decided to take a walk on the wild side and make a wearable muslin from my stash fabric. And I do have a stash of fabric. A stash of some of the ugliest prints known to man. I know I liked it when I bought it, so what happened? Has my taste changed that much since last year?
Anyway, here's a blouse I made completely according to the pattern from Burda. I'm too lazy to check which one, maybe it's this years June edition.
My first time making anything with a collar. Obviously I messed up in a couple of steps. The interfacing I used is too flimsy, so the collar doesn't stand up nice and crisp like all good collars do. I failed to match up the ends of the buttonhole placket, so my collar ends don't meet up when I button the shirt all the way through. And I misread a whole section on sewing the bias tape on the neck, turning something on the buttonhole placket this way or the other - the collar is basically a complete mess. But it somehow works.
The sleeves could be a little shorter, but I'm pretty satisfied with how I set them in. This thing also has darts. Those long darts with two points. Scary, I know.
The fabric is practically transparent, some sort of cottony stuff. It wrinkles easily and I'm not too crazy about the print. Questionable fabric choices, indeed.
After finishing my shirt, I felt pretty confident in my shirt making skills, so I made one for my mom. A different pattern, but also from Burda. Don't even ask about the fabric. I don't know why I bought this. My mom likes green, and they didn't have solid colors. It's viscose.
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I still need to add buttons. |
This pattern had better collar instructions, so this one came out perfectly. Just look at those crisp edges. I guess practice really does make perfect.
Or does it? Introducing my third regrettable fabric purchase. A yellow Miss Sixty jersey with white flowers print. It was supposed to be my beach dress. In this one I learned that I need to cut my binding strips way shorter than I did here, to make the neckline and the armholes gape less. The original plan was to add elastics to the waist (so that I can wear it with the top slightly over the elastic so that it looks like a two-part dress) But I gave up on that. It's not likely I will ever go out in public in this. I mean - it's yellow. The armholes are too big. The hem is probably a bit askew. And it's very, very yellow.
It is very comfortable though. I've been wearing it around the house and with these ridiculously high temperatures lately it's been a life saver.
Počela je ljetna rasprodaja krojačkih lutki (i svega ostalog), pa pogledaj i javi mi ako želiš naručiti
ReplyDeleteZadnja žuta haljina uopće nije loša koliko joj zamjerki nalaziš. To što su rukavni otvori malo veći nema veze ako ionako u njoj misliš na plažu i neka je žuta, baš ljetna boja, idealna za mlade poput tebe.
Na plavoj bluzi si postigla dobro pristajanje, a što se izbora materijala tiče to ćeš riješiti tek onog dana kada počneš ciljano kupovati za model koji želiš sašiti. Trebam li ti reći da imam u ormaru nekoliko materijala za koje bi netko mogao pomisliti da sam pijana kupovala - iskreno ni sama ne znam gdje su mi oči bile tog dana.
Slazem se sa Roman Tales. Zuta haljinica mi je bas slatka. I meni se cini, posto se bavim sivenjem, da je mnogo bolje kupovati materijal za konkretni projekat, a ne uzimati neki iz zaliha koji bi eto mogao da odgovara.
DeleteNe pamtim kad sam zadnji put sila nesto od muslina. Ne mogu da nadjem dovoljno jeftin materijal da bi to uradila. Nekad se desi da zeznem stvar, ali najcesce pravim pattern koristeci neku stvar koja mi dobro pristaje, pa time povecavam sanse da sve ispadne ok.
To je zbilja povoljno. No ipak moram još malo razmisliti, stvarno nemam gdje staviti krojačku lutku. Bookmarkam link, pa možda sljedeće godine. Do tada ću valjda si kupiti pošten krevet i izbaciti kauč, pa će možda biti mjesta u mojoj garsonijerici.
DeleteAh, zuta haljina je HIT !!
ReplyDeleteMeni barem ... ili si stavila tako male slike, da se nista ne vidi :)
Kad odes u radnju, ni tamo ti sve ne odgovara, zar ne ?
A sivenje je tesko, pamuk relativno krut....
Pada mi na pamet ideja da doheklas rukave na haljini :)
I meni se svidja zuta haljina:) Prava letnja i lepo ti stoji. A rukavni izrez i nije tako jako velik.
ReplyDeleteJa jos nisam sasila nista sto ima kragnu, a i paspul mi je jos uvek malo problematican, ali ne moze biti perfektno iz prve, zar ne? Zato, samo budi uporna.:)