Sunday, January 20, 2008

OMG, I'm updating!

So it's been a while since I last updated this blog, but to my defense this is a blog about creative stuff, and there hasn't been much creativity lately. I guess I got a little lazy. But I'm slowly picking up my knitting again.
I started the Antrophologie inspired capelet with this yellow yarn I originally bought for a sweater. But! I absolutely hate the way the yarn feels, and I really don't like the color anymore. In fact, I despise it so much that I wonder what the hell was I thinking buying it. So I decided to try the capelet,to see if making a
small garment might change the way I feel about the yarn. It didn't.
I tried to use it all up in one project, that I would never wear in public. So I made the capelet into I guess a cardigan. It still needs sleeves. And when and if I finish them, I'll have maybe a skein and a half left.

My friend Nataša's birthday is coming up. She wants a scarf like the one I made for myself. And she wants it in white. The yarn store was out of white Wonderwool, which is a damn shame. So I'm using Merino Mix on 5 mm needles for the scarf. It would have looked so much better in Wonderwool. Faster too.


  1. Ovaj bolero izgleda jako lijepo, šteta da ga nisi slikala na modelu!

  2. Izgleda grozno na modelu (tj. meni), zato ga i nisam slikala ;-)
    Jednog lijepog dana, kada ga završim, stavit ću sliku.
