Sunday, August 31, 2008

Works in progress

I've never been one of those knitters who work on several projects at the same time. I've always just stuck with one until it was finished, and then I moved onto something else. Lately, I broke my rule. Two projects! Gasp! ;-)
I started the Monkey Market Bag, with a single ball of Mirabela mercerized cotton I'm trying to get rid of. I used up half the ball, and I'm nowhere near the end of the bag. I don't want to buy more of this cotton, cause I'm knitting with size 3 mm needles and all the k2tog are making my hands hurt. I got this far, and then started knitting something else.

Green gable. Only in red. The yarn is Lana Grossa Estate, weaved cotton. It's knitting up quite nicely. I'm actually almost done with this one, I knitting furiously trying to finish it before fall weather, so that I can wear it at least once this year.

And a lone sewing project. I started the bag without a real plan, sewed it up and then went to look for handles for it. I was hoping the local stores would have something wooden, shaped like the letter D. No such luck. So this is still a WIP.


  1. Sad više ni ne znam kako sam došla do tvog bloga, ali moram da kažem da mi se mnogo dopada. Baš si kreativac, bravo!

  2. Hahaha, neka neka, vise projekata u isto vrijeme !! Sad nema povratka !


  3. D shaped handles would be perfect for your bag. I have never seen handles like that here.
    I am anxous to see your Red gable :)
