Sunday, October 18, 2009

Stopping the cold

These past few days the temperature dropped almost 15 degrees Celsius.I literally went from wearing short sleeves one day, to pulling out my winter coat the next.
The heating in my apartment goes trough the heating plant, and they have this rule that they don't turn the heating on until the temperature is lower than 12 C in the evening for at least three days in a row

hose were some pretty cold days in my little studio apartment. I could feel the cold breeze coming from outside trough my door and window. So I decided to make a draft stopper, to keep the cold outside.
Basically, I sewed a long tube, filled it with poly-fill (from an old pillow) and stitched it shut.

Of course, literally two hours after I did that, the heating got turned on. Not to mention that today is the most beautiful sunny fall day, it's almost hot in the sun.
But winter is
coming, and I need to make at least two more of these, one for the window, the other for the front door. I'll probably try different filling for them - rice seems to be the popular choice.


  1. Rice will be heavier and thus probably more effective. Are you going to use the same fabric?

  2. I am soo loving this pattern (fabric)!!!

  3. O da - jedan dan u kratkim rukavima a onda - kaputim šalovi, rukavice i vunene kape! Djeca su iz škole dolazila tako rumenih obraščića kao iz ruskih bajki (i totalno promrzle)!
    Cold stopper rules! Mi imamo mega izolaciju i nisu nam potrebni, ali materijal kojeg i ga napravila je predivan i lijepo bi oviježio moj protor!
    Sviđaju mi se i rešetka na prozoru - takva je i na mojoj radnoj sobi (vele djeca da ne pobjegnem:))))))))

  4. Te zmije odlično izgledaju i kada se ispletu od raznobojne vune.

  5. krasan materijal, a mene najvise odusevljava radijator :) nema ih u australiji! jesi ti negdje na moru ako nije previse direktno da pitam ?

  6. Hvala svima na komentarima!
    @misha - istu ću tkaninu za prozor do tih balkonskih vratiju, da budu zmije u paru :)

    @Sandra - nije to rešetka, to mi je balkon :) Francuski :) Svih 5 cm prostora između vrata i rešetke.

    @incoknito - u Rijeci!

  7. hajde, hajde - prošlo je mjesec dana od posljednjeg posta! Brzo tipkovnicu u ruke!

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