Sunday, April 18, 2010

An apple a day...

The pretty much only reason I wanted to learn crochet was to make amigurumi toys. Cute little things that you have no idea what to do with, but they're cute, so you make them anyway.
I'd like to say I practiced and practiced, mastered the art of crochet and THEN tried amigurumi, but I'd be lying. I'm far too impatient for that. So I chose a simple pattern, and grabbed a hook. And this is what an inexperienced crocheter's amigurumi looks like.
Not too bad, no?
The pattern is Amigurumi Apple by Lion Brand. Simple and quick. I did mess up in a few places, of course. I dropped my paper clip marker couple of times and after that I couldn't tell where the beginning of the round was.
So it's not really symmetrical as far as decreases and increases go. But that's okay, real apples aren't symmetrical either.

And here's a work in progress. Redwork cross stitch. This will probably go on my wall when I finish it. Red to match the color of my couch.

Edited to add : It has been brought to my attention that my apple looks more like a pear. I wondered why that is, and I'm ashamed to say it took me a while to realize that I SEWED THE LEAF AND THE STEM ON THE WRONG END OF THE APPLE!!

Obviously, this is how an apple looks like. The sad thing is, I didn't even notice, until romantales pointed it out. Sometimes you just don't see things that are staring you right in the face. Thanks romantales!


  1. I love it all! Beautiful stitching and lovely crochet amigurumi pear ... oops, I mean apple :-)

  2. Kruškica koja liči na jabuku, ili obrnuto:)!

  3. Doesn't look like beginner's amigurumi at all!

  4. Now I understand what happened! Just a little mistake transformed an apple into pear.

  5. hahahaha, ovo je odlično! svaka čast - prekrasna transformacija kruške u jabuku! Potsjetilo me na Sterijinu Pokondirenu tikvu!
    BTW, amigurumi je divan i iz razloga jer sve te "igračkice" možeš poklanjati kome god poželiš - rijetko će tko ostati ravnodušan!

  6. ja sam prije mislila sta cu raditi sa amigurami. Ali sad dajem onima koji imaju bebe.Ispalo je da je to fantasticna igracka za djecu.
    A sad kad zanm da se ovo moze transformirati od jabuka u kruska ili obrnuto jos mi se vise svidja

  7. bas je slatka! ja tako zelim da napravim onu penelope koalu, pa se mozda i odlucim!
