Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sexy (Vesty) Time

Finally finished the Sexy Vesty. It feels like I've been knitting it for ages. Turns out it took me a month. Way too much time for a sleeveless vest. I blame the black. And the rainy weather we've been having. All that squinting in poor light, trying to see what I was doing with small black stitches can't be good for my eyes.

I don't think I'll be knitting any black stuff anytime soon. The pattern doesn't even show, it's hard to take a decent picture and you almost go blind while knitting.

But the vest is done,it looks okay and sadly it's not for me. All that's left now is blocking and a trip to the post office, so that I can send it to my friend. I just hope it will fit her. A warm 100% merino vest, just in time for sunny 18 C temperatures. Well, better late than never, right?

Pattern: Sexy Vesty
Yarn: GGH Merino Soft, 4 skeins
Needles: 3 and 3,5 mm
Time it took: about 30 days


  1. Kao što sam već komentirala na Ravelryju, ipak si dovršila i k tome je vrlo lijepo ispalo!

  2. pattern se vidi dovoljno, to ju cini sexy :) potpuno te razumijem, upravo dovrsavam vestu za sebe crne boje, izgubila sam vid! ako prijateljici ne odgovara neka ti je salje nazad, tebi stoji savrseno!

  3. Odlično uradjeno, a stoji ti boli glava:)!

  4. Da, tebi stoji savrseno, pa ako joj se ne svidja uzmi je za sebe :D
    ja sam ljubomorna na tvoja linija

  5. Oličenje savršenstva u svakom pogledu!

  6. ispala je odlično - profesionalno!
    A glede crnog - sve tvoje riječi potrpisujem!!!!!!!!
