Friday, July 29, 2011

Summer sewing - wearables (more or less)

These past few days I've been sewing like a maniac. Fabric storage has become a problem lately - there is just no room in my tiny apartment to put it all. Don't even let me get started on the yarn. My yarn storage is not the most elegant solution, interior design-ly speaking.

I honesty thought all my yarn would all fit in the green box.

But back to fabric. Same problem, it's just stuffed in my closet along with my clothes. The super smart solution to this problem - use the fabric to make clothes. That I will have no place to put. 

I really should start to sew for other people, but as far as my technique goes,  I'm not just there yet and I don't want my friends to give me the side-eye when I gift them with a too short/tight/long/wide piece of clothing. 

I'll just stop my moaning now and post some pictures. 

Pajama pants. Cotton. No lion - he sleeps tonight ;)  

Burda shorts from the 3/2011 issue.
Pockets and a front zipper. The zipper nearly did me in.  

Very thin and see-trough jersey tank.
Messed up the back a bit.

The jersey top was sewn following the tutorial Sewing with knits tutorial from Noodlehead. Let me tell you something about sewing with knits - it's hell! From the cutting to the sewing - nothing went nice and smooth. I hate jersey. I hate the fact that I still have jersey fabric in my stash. But I love to wear jersey clothes. It's comfy. So I guess I'm in for more jersey frustration. 

I left the edges of the top unfinished, because that seems to be very trendy right now (at least on my shirts from Zara or h&m). I just might wear this one out in public.


  1. Vrednice :) Sto vise sijes, bices sve bolja, i onda savrsena, pa ces moci i da poklanjas bez grize savesti :)
    Svima nama bi trebala posebna soba za materijale... i gomila polica, malih kutijica, i kutija za kutijice ... ili da koristimo magiju, za "sobu po potrebi" :)
    Kod mene je delimicno resenje bilo postavljanje polica, a na njih kutija, sto smanjuje nagomilavanje na podu ili u ormanu.

    Svi mi se tvoji radovi svidjaju, i sjajno ti stoje. Sorts je sjajan :), bas morsko-letnji fazon :)

    Za zersej nazalost nemam nikakav savet da dam ... sigurno si koristila iglu za zersej ... ?

  2. Šorts je odlično savišen, baš lepo si uklopila štrafte. A da ne kažem da ti lepo stoji:)!

  3. Sorts je odlicno ispao i jako dobro ti stoji:) Ja nemam problem sa zalihama- nemam ih, za sada:) Mislim da bi me zalihe cinile, nekako, nervoznom...puno zelja za napraviti a samo jedne ruke.

  4. Napreduješ :-)
    Meni je priča s tim naslagama vune tako strana i daleka; ne bih mogla živjeti s tolikom vunom po kući, kod mene se nakupilo ostataka, klupko tu i tamo nakon džempera i sada ozbiljno počinjem razmišljati o projektima gdje bih ta klupka mogla iskoristiti.

  5. Kratke hlačice su moj favorit!
    BTW, jesi li koristila iglu (mašinsku) za žersej - otkako sam si kupila jedno pakiranje više ne psujem dok ga šivam!

  6. @sandra & magrit: Ofkors da sam koristila iglu za jersey - opremljena sam bolje nego trgovina šivaćim priborom. Problem mi je materijal, ovaj je bio neki super tanak i rastezljiv, pa bježi dok ga se reže i šiva.

  7. zaista napredujes! radovi su odlicni! a tek linija...
