Sunday, December 4, 2011

Quick! To the rip pond!

I started a mitten last week, to go with my hat. I decided to use absolutely every color of GGH Wollywash I had left. Decided to start the thumb after the second row of hearts. And then I just knit away. Is it going to be too long? Nah. Not so sure about the red color. Maybe the orange is a bit to garish? No, it isn't, what are you talking about, just keep knitting.  It'll work out.

This my friends, is called denial. 

I got as far up to my pinky, and then it became evident even to my brain that it's not going to work out. The mitten is too long, the thumb is too high, and the top portion without the hearts is too long and just looks blank.

So I'm going to rip it. Start the thumb way lower, probably right after the cuff. I might keep the red color, because I don't have enough of the other colors to repeat them on both mitts, but the orange is going away. 
I think I'll try a different thumb. I could end up ripping it once more, but right now my brain is telling me to go ahead - try that thumb technique you never used before, why stick with this one that works just fine for you? 
Oh, brain, one of these days you and I are going to need to sit down and have a serious conversation.


  1. U potpunosti te razumem :) . I meni se sve cesce desava da prvi pokusaj (rukavice, carape i sl) za koji nemam konkretan pattern oparam. Ipak zahvaljujuci tome, pletem sve bolje i bolje, tako da ne sumnjam da ce se slicno desiti i sa tvojim rukavicama.

    I jos nesto. Ova recenica : "This my friends, is called denial." is priceless!

  2. I love the idea of matching mittens. I'm sure you'll be able to get a better result soon. :)

  3. I'm actually not crazy about the blues in this colour combo. They're too close to the gray in hue, I think the dark purple and the red work best!

  4. Afterthought thumb, možda?
    trebala si samo ribbing otstraniti i bilo bi zakon! (mada ni ovako niš' ne fali)!

  5. Od juče ti pokušavam ostaviti komentar ali mi ne polazi za rukom. Mislim da me blogger ne voli. :) Meni se rukavice ipak sviđaju a pletenje u nekoliko boja je ionako problematično naročito kod krupnijih šara kao u ovom slučaju. Dok se druga nit prenosi s krive strane rada preko 2-3 očice, sve je uglavnom u redu. problem nastaje kada ih je više. Blocking bi možda pomogao.
