Few words can express that feeling you get when, having spent hours
calculating gauge, sleeve shape and size and many weeks knitting, you
realize you produced
The. Worlds. Ugliest. Sweater.
The. Worlds. Ugliest. Sweater.
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One of those words definitely rhymes with SUCK. Other one could be: WHYYYYYYY? Or even HOOOOOWWWW?
But the fact is, I made a sweater and I don't like it.
The yarn I chose was so wrong for this project. Actually, I'm thinking it's wrong for any project. Marija by Unitas. Even tough I went up the recommended needle size, I still ended up with very a dense, tight sweater. It makes my boobs look enormous accentuates my tiny waist - and not in a good way. I'm pretty sure I calculated a bit of positive ease, but math was never a friend of mine.
But the fact is, I made a sweater and I don't like it.
The yarn I chose was so wrong for this project. Actually, I'm thinking it's wrong for any project. Marija by Unitas. Even tough I went up the recommended needle size, I still ended up with very a dense, tight sweater. It makes my boobs look enormous accentuates my tiny waist - and not in a good way. I'm pretty sure I calculated a bit of positive ease, but math was never a friend of mine.
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Why yes, that blotch is the place I added a new skein. |
Also, even tough I calculated and calculated, I managed to mess up
the sleeves big time. Yup, math and I do not get along at all. The
sleeve cap turned out too long, in the end I ripped back and improvised.
As it very obviously shows.
I should have just followed the pattern, used the correct yarn weight
and gauge, instead of trying to make it work with this bulky crap-yarn. The pattern is Sea of jeans, and it looks great when knit in DK yarn.
A smart knitter would give up and frog, use the yarn for something else. Not me. I just keep knitting until it's done. And now I have yet another item of 'just around the house' clothing.
I should probably make a hat next, to remove the bitter feeling of a disappointingly looking sweater.
But the plan is to cast on for Eastlake. I actually got gauge this time (unless it turns out I can't count properly, or that my gauge changes when I knit something larger than a swatch – let's face it, the chances of that happening are pretty high). I really hope the Eastlake will come out nice. Because if it doesn't, I might just have a massive breakdown.
Ja imam svidjanje i džempera i tebe u njemu:) Mislim da je odlično ispao, sve sam uveličavala fotke, i pokušavala da pronadjem neku manu, ali nisam uspela. Ali ako se ti ne osećaš prijatno u njemu, onda džaba:(
ReplyDeleteJaoooo, pa ovo je predivno! Ajde što je moja boja ali što ti fenomenalno stoji! I otkad je to problem što "boobs" izgledaju veliko? :)))))
ReplyDeleteBensedinart je u pravu, najvažnije je kako se tebi čini ali objektivno ( i bez ušminkavanja situacije) ovo je fenomenalna stvar. I odlično ti ističe stas. (Već zamišljam američke blogere kako se hvale ovakvom vestom :D ).
Ana ima dosta prirodnog materijala u sebi, ako već nisi, mogla bi udariti neki lagani "blocking"- to bi možda olabavilo tenziju na grudima.
Još jednom - meni je PREDIVAN!
meni je bas super ovaj djemperak. ako se tebi ne svidja boja onda ofarbaj ga i gotovo :D. slazem se sa sve ono sto su rekli i zmaja i benesdin art. i ja mogu zamisliti blogere kako ga nosu :D
ReplyDeletehahahaha.. mislim, znam da odjeća izgleda drugačije na slikama, a drugačije kad je nosiš..i znam taj osjećaj kad dobiješ nešto što nisi zamislila. ali stvarno me nasmijalo: u njemu mi grudi izgledaju veliko a struk tanan, kao užas :)
ReplyDeleteuglavnom, ne znam koji je sastav vune s kojom si radila, ali možda se nošenjem i pranjem malo rastegne? samo ne znaš u kom smjeru :/
a da ga probaš prodati preko bloga ili na Ebay?
Pretjeruješ s kritikama, kao što sam ti već rekla na Ravelryju!
ReplyDeleteZnaš šta- nakon svih ovih komentara, ja imam predlog za tebe: ako ne želiš nositi ovaj džemper, ti fino udari neku nagradnu igru u kojoj nudiš predivan džemper koji povećava grudi i sužava struk i blogerke će se čupati pred vratima tvog bloga da ga dobiju. :)
ReplyDelete:)))) odlicna ideja.
DeleteA ja je razumem u potpunosti. Nekim zenama je prosto neprijatno da im grudi izgledaju preveliko. Ako ga neces nositi ni po kuci, i ako odustanes od zMajinog predloga onda se baci na paranje.
sea of regret??!
ReplyDeletestvarno nemas zasto da se zalis, ali eto...
mislim da si pala s Marsa...ali to je samo moje skromno mišljenje!
ReplyDeleteŠto bih ja dala za tanan struk!
When I saw the first picture, I did not know what was supposed to be wrong with the top, but the other two do show it really well. I think the sleeves are also too short for your body type. Have you read Amy Herzog's series on flattering knits? It's not only the cables that exaggerate your boobs, the sleeves that end just above the waist put the focus on the upper part of the body also. You might get a much better look by just lengthening the sleeves another few inches, so that they end at the height of your waist.