Wednesday, December 17, 2008


OK, OK, I did the sleeves :-)

Presenting my Buttony sweater, all finished. I only made some minor changes to the pattern, like adding a buttonhole on every 16th row instead of 10th. I also didn't decrease for the sleeves, which shows you just how lazy I am.

I admit, the sleeves are a bit too wide, but it only shows if I wear a short sleeved t-shirt under it, but considering this is a winter sweater, I don't really plan on doing that.

Here it is, with a nice view of my neighbors completely covered balcony.

The technical details:

Pattern: Buttony sweater
Yarn: GGH Davos, 8 skeins
Needles: 6 mm
Time it took: a month and a half


  1. Odlično izgleda, a boja mi se jako dopada. Brzo si ga i uradila!

  2. Super je i odlično stoji! Kopčanje je pravi pogodak!

  3. Postoji i shema??? Ja nisam ni znala! :) Nisam imala pojma da postoji raspored za postavljanje "botuna"! Mada, to dosta zavisi i od vune, rekla bih! Ja sam svoj radila s Dangorom pa sam možda mogla i preskočiti koji red između rupica jer je vuna debela ali, šta je, tu je! :) Super je ispao, rukavi su kul! :)
