Saturday, January 23, 2010

Crochet flowers all around me

... and not a single one that looks good.

I've been taking a break from knitting in order to work on my crochet skills. I did maybe two rows in a few basic stitches before I proclaimed myself to be the master of crochet and went on to more complicated stuff.

And then the crochet proved to be the master of me. But I did learn a lot. Like the fact that you don't need the turning chain if you're working on a circle. Or that you' re supposed to keep the stitches on the fat end of the hook, not the narrower part on the top.

I also learned that I suck at crocheting flowers.

These are all trials and failures. All the same flower, from the Happy Hooker crochet book. It all goes great until I come back to the first stitch and have to join the petal with the slip stitch and finish off.
Obviously I don't know which stitch is the first. Or I'm not chaining enough, um, chains?

I should really read that book from the beginning. But I'm impatient. And I wanted to crochet flowers! Pretty, perfect little flowers, not the mutilated kind you see up there. Damn.


  1. da, da - od početka! Tako sam i ja mislila da ću savladati heklanje brzinom munje i bez detaljnog proučavanja, sao zato jer ovladavam štrikanje!
    Prvo - pljuska vlastitom rukom me doletjela!
    Drugo - gotovo pokajnićki sam počela od korica!
    Treče - heklanje savladanao!

    A tvoji cvijetići imaju djećju nevinost! Čuvaj ih!

  2. How many petals should the original flower have? It seems to me that you are either one petal short or you are not connecting at the right place.

  3. After I've enlarged the photo I managed to count the single crochets that you made into the circle. If I counted correctly, it is 24. If, when you make a loop for the petal you skip 2 sc and crochet into the third sc, you should have 8 petals. Right?

  4. I'm talking about the pink flower.

  5. Misha, there are 24 sc in the circle. The next round tells me to ch1, *sc in sc, ch4, sk next 2 sc*, and then sl st in first sc to join.
    There are supposed to be 8 loops for the petals.

    I'm definitely not connecting it at the right place. Or the first sc in sc is my problem.
    I really should read the book from the beginning. But yay for the fact that you counted 24 sc. Means I'm at least doing something right! ;-)

  6. dijelimo istu muku. za mene je heklanje naucna fantastika!

  7. I ja se slazem sa sve ono sto je rekla misha. KAo da ti fali jedan listic.Eto imas 7 "loops", a trebas imati 8. I vidis kaoo si povezala nije bast to dobro. Kad povezes provicenu petlju, a imas 8 listice nece izgledati lose. Neznam kako si ti provukla petlju ali treba se provuci petlju u isti red koji radis(znaci u onaj prvi sc koji si radila od ovaj isti red). Najverovatno ti fali jedan list i kod ovaj plavi cvjetic dole.
    I mislim da imas problem za provucene petlje kod svaki cvjetic, pa zato ti izgledaju tako po malo krive.

  8. Znači rešile smo, fali ti jedna latica. Kao što reče Drenka, možda će onda sve leći na svoje mesto. Probaj sa osam pa ćemo da vidimo. Treba da spojiš tako da izgleda što je sličnije moguće ostalim laticama, a čini mi se da je to malo više u odnosu na mesto na kojem si ti spojila - ne vidim baš najbolje.

  9. Da, tako je!
    I prije sam gledala samo u donju sliku.
    Sad da ti kazem za gornju. Ovaj plavi "swatch". Zadnji red imas 18, a onaj ispid nejga 19.Znaci na kraj ti fali jedan bod i vidsh da ti onaj 19-ti bod kako da visi.A cini mi se da i svaki naredni ima plus jedan bod.
    And you don't "suck"! Samo ti treba malo vjezbanje.

  10. Ne znam, moje iskustvo je da je daleko lakše naučiti heklati po shemama ili predlošku nego po uputama. Mene do danas heklane upute odbijaju, jednostavno nemam volje čitati te kratice, a čim vidim shemu doslovno bih mogla zatvorenih očiju napraviti što treba.
    Inače, pokušaj ne uvrtati prvi krug, inače imaš situaciju da ti je prvi krug s krivom stranom rada završio na licu rada. Na youtube imaš krasnih snimaka heklanja cvijeća svih vrsta, pa svakako pogledaj.

  11. Wow..these crochet flowers looks awesome. I have never seen anything like it. Keep it up the good work.
