It's been a while since I did any embroidery, so I thought it would be a good idea to try a quick project, you know, so that I wouldn't forget the craft.
I choose a cute little girl Chef, that I found on Hoop love.
I failed to think it trough - I was bored with it before I even finished the outline of her dress. The plan was to fill everything in with thread, but I gave up on that one, trying to just be done with it. Enter crayons.
Why do you have such big brown eyes, little girl? It's because somebody couldn't find black embroidery thread. Couldn't that somebody outline your eyes with only one strand? Why, yes, that would have looked so much better. Sadly, somebody is too lazy to fix it now.
You're just going to have to look freaky for all eternity, little girl. Or until moths eat the fabric you live on.
Meanwhile, the project I should be working on is going nowhere. I just can't find the motivation to knit. I blame it on spring and the sunny weather.
Still, got this far, hopefully I'll finish it this year.
This year? Get out of city!
ReplyDeleteNedavno sam,po prvi put u žibotu, upotrijebila hoop za vezenje i samoj sebi sam zamalo opalila pljusku govoreči si "Gdje ti je pamet dosada bila?" jer predivno je kad ti se platno napne i kad ti znojni prsti ne uneređuju platno!
Trebalo mi je samo 35 god!
Znaci Sandra ti dajes najiskrenije komentare..ovo za pljusku ti je dobro,a ja cu dobro zapamtiti za hoop zato sto dosad nisam ni ja koristila,mada nisam toliko vezla u moj 27 godisni zivot :)
ReplyDeleteA vidish, covjek se uci..ovo za kreone(crayons) nije ni tako losa ideja,samo naravno koristis boja za tekstil.Zgodno je ovo za neko ko mene ko nemoze da zamisli da toliko veze i cak sve ovo popuni.
You're my constant reminder that I finally need to do some embroidery :) Shame about the lack of motivation for knitting - it looks fab!
ReplyDeleteČovjek se uči dok je živ, i ja sam do nedavno koristila hoop samo za cross stitch, ali sada ga koristim i za klasičan vez. Sviđa mi se bod koji koristiš za vestu. Pozdrav. Loredana.
ReplyDeleteMeni je ta mala kuharica baš simpatična, mislim da si bespotrebno samokritična. Jednako tako si mogla i ostaviti neispunjenu površinu, ništa ne bi gubila na dojmu.
ReplyDeleteŠto se pak motivacije za pletenje tiče, ne mogu ti pomoći, ali te mogu utješiti, jednostavno se događa svima, prije ili kasnije i jednako tako i prođe!