Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What I spend my money on

Oh, Etsy, how I love you so. Especially sellers that sell bright, colorful stuff. This is my latest purchase, buttons from the UK and fabric from the United States. Both took only one week to get to me. I was pleasantly surprised. That was faster than the post sent from one city to another here in Croatia.

And here is something I made from another Etsy purchase made ages ago. What to do when you have little fabric left? A zippered pouch. 

Zippered pouches are my go to project when I feel like sewing but don't know what to make. Of course, I always have trouble with the lining and the zipper, but that doesn't stop me from making them. They can be quite useful, take my word for it.


  1. materijali su duigmice i da ne pricam...ali ove beli su mi sad favorit..nekako mi je u ovaj tren minimalizam super

  2. Ah, gumbi!!!!!GUMBI!!!!!! my lovelies!
    Zipper pouches su zarazni, zar ne!!!!!

  3. Materijali su prelepi, raduje me da je tako brzo stiglo!

  4. Oh, how I envy you on being able to use PayPal... The things I could buy...
    Both the buttons and the fabric are lovely!

  5. Prelepo :)
    Sve crveno :)

    Materijale si narucila sve zajedno, ili si birala da svi budu crvene boje ?

  6. Predivne boje i dugmadi i materijala! I moram priznati da sam iznenadjena kako je brzo stiglo.

  7. Oh, the joys of PayPal, unknown in this forlorn, forsaken country! The fabric is just wow! I can't wait to see what you make with it!

  8. @magrit: Crveno mi ide uz kauč ;) Bio je paket crvenih tkanina, pa rekoh - taman za kauč-quilt.

  9. materijali su prelijepi ali ja sam se odmah zalijepila za gumbiće:)))....njih nikada dosta jer nikad ne znaš kada će ti trebati:)))...
