Thursday, March 4, 2010

Maybe I should get some help

Work related stuff took me to Zagreb on Monday and Tuesday. I packed lightly, told myself I won't carry too much, so that I don't schlep heavy bags around the bus stations.
I ended up carrying almost two kilos of yarn back home. Damn the Unitas store!

All I can say in my defense: The yarns stores here don't carry these yarns. And I bought it all in the factory store, so it was relatively cheap.

So my stash grew and now I have no place to put all this yarn. I really need to get knitting. But as always, this was an impulse buy, and I have no idea what to do with it all. I see 4 hats ( or maybe cowls), one cardigan with 3/4 sleeves and a cotton T-shirt in my future. If only I had an actual pattern in mind!

This amount of stash is actually making me anxious - I'm knitting one thing and thinking about all the other stuff I could knit. It's time to stop and consider getting professional help. Step one: Stay as far away from yarn shops as possible. Of course, I always tell myself this, and fail miserably in actually sticking to it.

Stash aside, this is what I'm working on now: Fetching for a friend, whose birthday is in five days. The only reason I chose Fetching is because I've already knit myself a pair and know for a fact they knit up fast.

Special note: Those are Addi needles you see up there. Love the flexible cables! Love the smooth surface of the needles! Thanks romantales for the recommendation!


  1. Ahahaha, just a look at the photo of all that beautiful yarn was enough to make my heart leap with joy :))) Unitas factory store is my next holiday destination :)

    What's that violet yarn you're using for Fetching?

  2. LOL :)))
    Step one: Stay as far away from yarn shops as possible.
    Nema šanse, već na prvom koraku "posrnem" i upadnem u trgovinu.
    Ja ti imam vunu koja je sigurno 10 godina stara...ako se već nije u prah pretvorila. I stalno kupujem nešto novo iako već dvije godine nisam ništa započeto završila- ja sam ti od onih koji moraju imati najmanje tri pletiva u radu inače nije zanimljivo :P

  3. Samo ću da primetim da je pazar odličan, a inspiraciju ćeš sigurno dobiti brzo:)!

  4. @ misha : The yarn is called Oscar (Deltex), 75% acryl, 25% wool.

  5. Daj nemoj biti stroga, svaka bi pletilja iskoristila takvu priliku ;)
    Addi igle? Idem da vidim kakve su to igle...

  6. Well dear, I really can't help you, as I'm in the same situation, including the yarn for crochet, the flooss for needlework and cross stitch, and material for sewing, we are in the same boat, so the only thing we have to do is to navigate together down the river, and to pick up the ideas where ever we find them.

  7. A čuj, naravno da je Unitas kriv! I ja ga za svakog posjeta Zagrebu krivim i optužujem!
    Uvijek slinik na vunicu, bez obzira koliko je imam!
    Fetching je sam po sebi lijep - prijatelji ne može a da ne bude zadovoljna!

  8. Baš me veseli da su ti se dopale Addi igle, uglavnom razlika između Addi i Knitpicks je u vrhovima ako mene pitaš, Knit picks ima nešto oštriji vrh, ali meni Addi u potpunosti odgovaraju što se vrha tiče.
    Zaliha vune ti je simpatična, ali kako nism stasher, mene bi činila nervoznom ... znam da je zadovoljstvo kupovati, pogotovo kada je cijena povoljna. Ovih dana idem i ja u kupovinu, moram nešto novo započeti, a nemam čime .... lol...

  9. I am not worried about the stash. Enjoy it! Why not!
    My favorite here is -Mirabela and the grey Lucija.
    I see that you are making the famous "Fetching" but my eyes can'r stop looking at your stash :D
